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The End is Nigh

The End is Nigh

Habakkuk’s prophecy powerfully speaks to our current global crisis, providing a way to understand how God can use empire as a tool for his purposes. As we long for the return of our Lord we can find comfort in the song of Habakkuk with blessed Mary singing harmony.

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Wise Sentinels

Wise Sentinels

In light of claims of rising fascism, we would do well to take seriously the warnings from those who seek to understand the times and know how God’s people should respond (1 Chronicles 12:32): wise sentinels. It may not come to pass but it is good to know what is at stake and to be prepared.

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Personal Reflections on Lausanne 4

Personal Reflections on Lausanne 4

In this post I reflect back on my experience of Lausanne 4. While there is much to celebrate about the event, the motives of the Lausanne executives made explicit throughout it left much to be desired. After noting highlights, I examine some of the things that concerned me most.

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Let The World Know

Let The World Know

This post highlights the influence of women in the growth of the global Church, taking a cue from the mother of King Lemuel. The post introduces me (Jay) as the new Opinion Editor for Christian Daily International and my commitment to using the position to amplify the voices of the unheard.

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