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Learning To Thrive

Learning To Thrive

This post continues with a theme about listening to and learning from one another. The proverb quoted reveals this as key to a community thriving. It is in our interactions with one another, because of (rather than in spite of) our diverse perspectives, that we grow—if we seek to truly understand each other.

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We Need Nuance

We Need Nuance

We are being buffeted by numerous tense social issues in these days of great uncertainty and we can be tempted to take a position on one side over against another. Leaders need to listen widely and appreciate all angles of an issue. Such nuance is sorely needed in an increasingly polarised and divided world.

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Patron Providence

Patron Providence

It tends to be human nature to “throw the baby out with the bathwater”, so when missions realises the damage that paternalism can cause, we can too easily dismiss the benefits of healthy patronage. We must remain mindful of ‘when helping hurts’, but that doesn’t mean total withdrawal. The generosity of God’s people remains central to the effectiveness of God’s mission.

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Nurture The Flax

Nurture The Flax

We need to learn how to cut off the old in order to make way for the new. Where the colonial missions enterprise has emphasized the how of mission, we need to make way for a new read on John 17:21-23 and prioritise the why of mission.

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New Nets

New Nets

The modes of mission change with empires and their economies as our worlds alter with every era. As resources available to traditional forms of mission diminish, we need to look to new ways of doing mission for the new era we are facing.

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Our Mountain

Our Mountain

Perseverance in mission requires us to lift our attention to a grand accomplishment, to serve a vision much larger than ourselves. While our contributions will be different, according to our gifts, we all need to be working toward the same end.

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