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Hope Deferred

Hope Deferred

We live in an era of missions when, if we don’t consistently and persistently shift our expectations to match reality, we will suffer great harm. The triumphalism of yesteryear will not carry us forward. In humility we must surrender our grand plans and yield to the new and wonderfully fruitful thing God is doing in our day.

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Defeating The Dragon

Defeating The Dragon

What English speakers call the ‘dragon’ is a mythical creature that exists in cultures throughout the world. It is representative of that which humans cannot control – circumstances, powerful people, governments, etc. God is the only one who can ‘tame the taniwha’, but we can terminate its influence by lives lived faithfully in-Christ.

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Good News

Good News

The COVID-19 endemic is giving rise to much speculation about the end of the world as we know it. Among some Christ-followers there is stiff resistance to government and other authorities, but in this instance there is little theological basis for it. The good news is that God is still at work behind the scenes and we’re not at the end of the story, yet.

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Thai Food

Thai Food

In Thailand the community relies on food preparers to supply a variety of meal options for the neighbourhood who are rewarded with income. This symbiotic relationship strengthens community bonds, effectively establishing a common table.

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Tangled Nets

Tangled Nets

Change can create a deep sense of disequilibrium, but it also present tremendous opportunities for innovative solutions to emerge. Rather than tangle our nets as we go about our mission, let’s cast them afresh for a new day.

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Te Karanga | The Call – Part Two

Te Karanga | The Call – Part Two

Without getting too self-helpish, you really are God’s gift to the world! You have a unique contribution to make and a responsibility to find out what He’s asking you to do. As His love flows through you it will express itself in unique ways via your unique abilities to lovingly help repair the sin damage around you.

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Te Karanga | The Call – Part One

Te Karanga | The Call – Part One

The English word “call” is probably derived from the Welsh “galw”. In English we intermingle this Welsh with Latin so that “calling” is related to many words with the Latin root “voco”: vocal, advocate, irrevocable, provoke, revoke, equivocal, even vowel and vocabulary. It is also the root of vocation.

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Mission Cycle – Part Two

Mission Cycle – Part Two

As a mission mobiliser I’ve spent a lot of time considering why people choose to get involved in a type of mission that relocates them. There are a host of different reasons, but one thing seems clear from Scripture and lived experience: God moves people. Moreover, God moves people for His purposes.

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