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The Ebb Tide

The Ebb Tide

In light of the great uncertainty around us, we can easily be tempted to try and take control of that which appears to be within our control. We must rest in the fact that God is in control and, for those who are in Christ, that will always work out for our good. Rather than fatalism, we need to hold on in faith and focus on meeting the needs of those most negatively affected.

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Rock Solid Love

Rock Solid Love

As COVID-19 restrictions persist for good reason, it is understandable that our patience wears thin and we start to push the boundaries. But by doing so we can put others at risk of harm. Rock solid leaders cannot afford to think only in terms of the needs of their own. We must work to keep the collective good in mind, always acting with love for all.

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Meek Achievements

Meek Achievements

Meekness is a grossly under-rated quality in our day and age, yet Jesus insisted that the meek will inherit the earth. In this month’s post, I reflect on the need for meek leadership in a world that is dominated by agressive activistic visionary leadership that imposes a leader’s will on others to achieve goals.

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Mission Cycle – Part One

Mission Cycle – Part One

If you’re a Westerner you’d probably think of history in linear terms and think the Bible supports that worldview. In the Biblical narrative the world has a start, there is some history in the middle and there is a description of the world ending. If you’re a non-Westerner chances are that you’d take a more cyclical view of reality and read the Bible from that perspective.

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Mission (re)Defined – Part Two

Mission (re)Defined – Part Two

Jesus is the epitome of what we now understand a “missionary” to be: one sent forth by God for a specific purpose. While being God He was sent by God to activate the next part of God’s grand plan. Jesus was God’s weapon of mass Sin destruction, and He knew it. Jesus’ entire ministry was a message from the Father about what the Great Change would look like. “The Kingdom of God is like…”

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