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Whose Side Are You On?

Whose Side Are You On?

In a world marked by conflicts, it is appropriate to ask “whose side are you on?” as we start a new year. The question arises from Joshua 5 and this post is a prelude to a longer 2023 Leader’s Missions Forecast essay distributed to the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission network.

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Death is associated with separation, so too the antichrist/s. Anger is associated with separation which can lead to death if it is not well processed. It is transformational if it is well processed. Protest can be a legitimate expression of anger, but ultimately our aim should always be to process toward reconciliation.

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Toxic Goodness

Toxic Goodness

In a world being ripped apart before our very eyes we could all use a bit of love, faith, and peace right now. But there’s a reason for the dysfunction we see around us and it is called Sin. That’s not a popular opinion these days, but what if Sin was simply the imposition of good upon others? This post explores that very question.

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Up Front Together

Up Front Together

We’re living in a leader-obsessed era, expecting leaders to be more than they are capable of being. Leadership talent and achievement is well rewarded in industrial contexts, but indigenous expectations of leaders tend to be quite different. From an Indigenous perspective, I consider what it means to be ‘up front’.

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Connecting For Good

Connecting For Good

Evangelicals are rocked by respected leaders who are outed as abusers. Evil conducted by leaders is not new or unique to Evangelicals, but common responses of comparison, condemnation, or tighter legislation are not helping matters. An alternative response rarely talked about is to deepen community.

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Of Froth And Substance

Of Froth And Substance

The saying, “actions speak louder than words” has been sorely tested lately with the questionable words of influential leaders producing undesirable consequences. Also of concern are the words from those who would presume to speak on behalf of God, yet have been found to be little more than froth.

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Turn To The Light

Turn To The Light

As we approach the end of 2020, we could be forgiven for feeling tired, overwhelmed, and generally depressed by the state of the world. Peering into shadow and gloom has that effect. Here I encourage you to “turn and face the light” to find new life once more in the hope of God’s love and purpose for a hurting world.

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Common Cry

Common Cry

The world is facing a prolonged period of grief. We can manage shock for a time but eventually we need to lament loss. The industrialised world does not tend to understand collective lament, but for the indigenous it is part of life. One way Māori find to express lament is with group songs/chants which can have remarkably positive effects.

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