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Unbroken Weave

Unbroken Weave

When Jesus prayed “that they all be one” (John 17) we interpret that one-ness in all manner of ways that fail to match our lived reality. But if we understanding it to mean an inseparable family bonded in/by the blood of Jesus (via faith in/allegiance to Him) our reality matches perfectly: warts and all. The challenge then remains: how to align.

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Generating New Energy

Generating New Energy

We do not like to talk about it, but we cannot keep our head in the sand. The energy required for church and missions in the West to flourish is depleting, but there is good news: it is thriving elsewhere! This post reflects on these hard facts and concludes that Western Christians still have much to contribute alongside the global Church.

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Tidal Adaptations

Tidal Adaptations

When it comes to effective outreach ministry, context is crucial. The gospel seed sprouts best in well prepared soil. As formerly Christianised nations became more secular, individualistic, and drift from traditional moralities there is an urgent need for us to adapt well to the changed tide, but rarely are we doing it well.

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30000FT VIEW

30000FT VIEW

COVID-19 has hindered missions as the world continues to experience chaos. It is easy to become disoriented and dismayed like the disciples in the storm-tossed boat beside the sleeping Jesus. A 30000ft view can help us appreciate God’s choreography in the chaos and calm our fears with faith.

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The Patience Paradox

The Patience Paradox

In the current crisis it can be too easy to overlook health dangers in pursuit of the benefits of ‘opening up’. The economic advantages are understandable, especially for impoverished environments. However, Jesus-followers are called to a different, patient, missional pace—rest, not rush.

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Creation Care

Creation Care

Integrated into our missional witness is a responsibility to contribute to making this world a better place to live. Treating land as a commodity hinders this. The UN’s SDGs help set a bar we can aim for in missions as we live out our creation mandate.

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