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Corrupted Directions

Corrupted Directions

“If you pee in the water you’ll never reach your goals” will make perfect sense when you read the explanation of this modern-day whakataukī! In an era of great fluidity and ambiguity, we need to prioritise what will help us reach our ‘New Creation’ destination. Spoiler alert: it has everything to do with relationships.

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The Wellbeing Imperative

The Wellbeing Imperative

Until very recently it seems, Western Christianity has been solely focused on ‘the dark side of the moon’-a pathological perspective of humanity. We should have no illusions about sin’s devastating effects, but neither should we lose sight of our inherent goodness. Missions needs a shift in perspective towards wellbeing.

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Reach For The Light

Reach For The Light

In our polarised world we would do well to consider the nature of plants that both reach towards the light while digging down into the earth to extract nutrient rich water. Rather than either/or there is much need to hold in tension the myriad different aspects of the people of God’s participation in the mission of God.

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