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Our Destination Comes

Our Destination Comes

Evangelicals are coming under increasing public scrutiny. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Increasing exposure can create healthy accountability. But we’re also being judged by the moral standards of liberal secularism. These are atmospheric changes we need to account for as we fix our eyes on our ultimate destination.

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I Need You Need Me

I Need You Need Me

More than a few social commentators reckon that we are seeing the dissolution of the neo-liberal globalisation project in the wake of the global pandemic, increasing inflation and a Russia-Ukraine war. Opinions are fracturing and hostilities rising, but it should not be so for those us in-Christ – and this is an opportunity for missions.

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Let Love Lead

Let Love Lead

Our English-language concepts of love can be woefully inadequate, but we need strong concepts of ‘merciful loving kindness’ to lead us into effective Kindgom witness. God’s mission is always accomplished through loving sacrifice and there is no better time to remember that than through the Lenten season.

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Recent Posts

Sharing Baskets

Sharing Baskets

Resource follows prioritisation, which follows vision. Vision comes from inspiration and inspiration can be a very personal phenomenon. We all need a fresh vision of resource sharing as we move forward together on God’s mission.

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Using Means

Using Means

What could mission look like in the mobile digital world if we were to ride the coattails of commerce as missions has done since Paul and the Roman roads? We need to better engage with new technologies for God’s glory.

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Be A Blessing

Be A Blessing

Mission is not a task to be accomplished, it is a relationship journey, and the minute we reduce it to a quantifiable goal we objectify the very ones God wants to embrace. We need a blessing-orientation, to make loving relationship our priority.

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Resting Places

Resting Places

Courage has many resting places and the call of mission comes to us with new views if we stop long enough to see them. We would do well to foster a posture of exploration in mission, being open to new possibilities, daring to move into them.

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Sneeze of Life

Sneeze of Life

The whole world seems to be in something of an identity crisis at the moment, New Zealanders among them. Nations are wrestling with who they are in light of globalizing forces. This provides a great opportunity for missions.

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Extend The Wall

Extend The Wall

Nehemiah provides us with a model for expansion. He not only strengthened the walls but extended them, and with them the size of the city. There is much to be gleaned for mission and God’s Kingdom advance from this perspective.

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