Extend The Wall

Jun 7, 2016 | All Posts, Leadership, Mission, Strategy

Tena tātou katoa e te iwi mīhana… (Greetings to all the people in mission)

At a recent Missions Interlink NZ Executive Team meeting, one of the Executive Team led a Biblical reflection encouraging us to consider Nehemiah.

This was the first time I had heard Nehemiah referenced as a model for expansion

I have heard many messages about Nehemiah, usually around the challenges leaders face in ‘repairing’ dysfunctional organisations, but this was the first time I had heard Nehemiah referenced as a model for expansion. The point was made that Nehemiah not only strengthened the walls but extended them, and with them the size of the city. Furthermore, it was a task done in quick time because of the unity of the people—in spite of opposition.

The Executive Team member drew parallels with God extending His kingdom, and the metaphor of the expanding city of God is rich with New Testament meaning. It also has a wealth of application to challenges we are all facing, right now, in our respective contexts.

Like Nehemiah, the missions community in Aotearoa New Zealand is facing challenges right now. The opposition pressing against us is a culture attuned to ease, struggling against the continued grip of a global economic crisis. Churches are perplexed by diminishing attendance, and we are up against a pervasive theology that looks more humanitarian than Biblical.

Each of these factors and more, shift priorities away from expansion to retrenchment. We are a long way off seeing our boundaries reset, but in the midst of struggles we are encouraged by those with faith who refuse to capitulate, but step forward in mission in spite of the challenges—into our local communities and further afield.

It is not a time to yield, but to rally, follow their lead, and encourage others to do so as well. Not to patch up the wall, but to pick up what remains and press forward and enlarge the city of God. It is our commission and our responsibility as the people of God in this nation to #stayonmission. 👊🏼

Nga mihi nui (warmest greetings),
